A girl in a tree

Today I sent off a tree mug and a forest mug to the USA where my customer was buying them for her daughter. Her name is Chiara and she is protesting against forest being destroyed for a new shopping mall by living high up a tree! Unbelievable that my tree and mountain inspired work will end up high in a tree on Bainbridge Island just off the coast of Seattle! I love it! So I looked her up and there is a song! What an inspiration!! 0 001 (1024x768)





Living locally!!

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I have been interviewed by a new fantastic website ‘local chatter’ about living and working locally! Have a read!!


State of Green interview

The lovely Jenny Tranter from the eco website and blog State of Green has interviewed me about how I started in ceramics and my inspiration. I very grateful for this opportunity and hope you enjoy the read. State of Green is an online resource for finding out the latest in eco living ideas from around the world. e for blog 001 (1024x768)http://blog.stateofgreen.com.au/interview-mountain-clay/

Kinglake Foggy Mountain Bluegrass Festival

Next Saturday the 18th of October I will be having a stall selling my ceramics ‘Mountain Clay’ at the Kinglake ‘Foggy Mountain Bluegrass Festival’ Come up the mountain for some great Bluegrass music and to find some mountain inspired hand made ceramics!!

I need your help!

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In case you haven’t had a chance to vote for my store in the Etsy design awards, PLEASE do, as it is a community online vote and I need all my WordPress followers votes to have any chance to get to go to the Etsy headquarters in NYC! This would be a once in a lifetime experience for me and something beyond my usual life here in my studio on the mountain!!You will also go into the draw for a $250 Etsy voucher. You will need a facebook account to do so. Thank you, and thank you to all of those who have already voted!! xx      Voting closes 25th of Oct. The link to vote is-

sake set

I have been asked by a friend to make a Japanese sake set. I wasn’t sure of the size of the cups as there are some small cups called ochoko that are thimble sized, but I decided to do the medium sized ones. I have turned the larger sake cups (on the right) into espresso cups by adding some handles. sake 001 (1024x768)I have decorated them all with white stoneware slip and blue cobalt mountains. They look purple here but once glazed and fired they will be dark blue. I think I will make some more as I like the little bottles. deer 006 (1024x768)

Photos of work

Photos of work

It is funny how selling your ceramics online works. You can’t just take a photo anymore, it has to tell a story or impart a certain mood. It is hard to get this right, without looking too staged or pretentious. My general set up is an old wood box or the wooden studio floor and some native flora. This photo is a little dark and there is a bit of shine reflected from the window. But I only have so much time to take photos, so this has to do. I have tried the white background with big paper sheets but I don’t think it suits my work and I find it hard to keep clean in a ceramic studio.

Landscape cups


Landscape cups

I just took these lovely stoneware cups out of the kiln. The design is from the view out of my studio window, looking across the paddocks to the bush towards the Black Range Mountains behind. I hope to get them onto my Etsy store soon.

landscape cup Stoneware landscape cup  landscape cup Stoneware landscape cup